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December 1 — December 15, 2023

Jack Irwin
Mahima Daga
Vinay Aditya Saravanan

Role & Contributions
UX Researcher:  Project Plan · User Research · Report

Evaluating User Experience: Usability Testing on Zara’s Website


The objective of this school project was to conduct usability testing on a website of our choosing and produce recommendations for improvement based on the findings. Our group decided to explore Zara’s desktop website for our research.

Following a high level heuristic analysis of Zaras website we decided to focus our usability testing on the favourites feature as it presented the most potential issues for users.  We also aimed to capture the account creation and checkout process, as they too presented potential usability concerns.

Zara’s website presents potential challenges for users in terms of usability.  

Reveal potential areas to improve the usability of Zaras website, so that user can complete task involving favouriting items, creating an account and checking out efficiently.


The scope of the project, while offering meaningful data on the usability of the favourites feature, may have been too focused to be impactful for Zara. If we were to conducted these tests again we would expand the tasks to include a broader range of scenarios.


We learned that it is necessary to assist users in scenarios were they are unable to complete the task, to reduce emotional distress for them and allow us the opportunity to extract more valuable data.  

Next Steps

Begin implementing suggestions from the recommendation section and monitor changes in traffic through website analytics.

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